Friday, April 27, 2012


I really can't help myself.  It doesn't seem to matter where we go I manage to sniff out a button or bead or book or two that I just have to take home with me.

A couple of weeks ago my partner and I had a rare child free day and decided to head to the Barossa Valley... we made a few stops in a few little towns on the way home, one of which was in Lyndoch at a little shop that has been there for years stocked and staffed by a group of local craftspeople.

There are always the obligatory tea towels and hand knitted baby clothes, jars of homemade chutney and jams, and I love picking up a cheap pot of herbs or succulents, and I even ooohed and aaahhhed over some gorgeous hand crafted wooden bowls.  And then just as we were leaving I discovered a tiny basket of handmade ceramic buttons! 

WOOHOO!  Jackpot!

Goodness knows what I might use them for, but I'm sure I'll think of something!


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I'm only relatively new to it myself but already I've found a whole lot of wonder in blogging :) I hope you do too. Cute ceramic buttons by the way! & I adore the chakra bracelet on your fb page! Elisa xx

  2. Thank you and welcome Elisa! xx

  3. Pretty good for your first blog :")
